Understanding & Trafficking

Explore the critical issues of exploitation and trafficking. Learn how these affect individuals and communities, and discover ways to identify and combat these challenges.

Exploitation Assessment Questionnaire

Need More Help?

If you suspect you or someone you know is being exploited, please reach out for support.

Resources and Support

Explore a variety of resources and support options available to assist you. Whether you need immediate help or ongoing support, these links can guide you to the right place.

Are You a Victim of Exploitation?

Choose the option that best describes your experience.

I. Childhood Exploitation & Forced Labor

II. Sexual Exploitation & Human Trafficking

III. Workplace Forced Labor

IV. Institutional Exploitation (Prison & Immigration Detention)

V. Entertainment, Sports, & Social Media Exploitation

Survey on Childhood Exploitation and Forced Labor

We invite you to participate in this important survey to help us understand and combat childhood exploitation and forced labor. Your responses are valuable and will remain confidential.
Thank you for your participation. Your input is crucial in our efforts to address these issues.

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